A condition that is caused by heavily drinking alcohol.
-Your arms curl up as your fingers point outwards as if you were a retarded T-Rex dinosaur.
- Staring off into oblivion
- unable to speak a clear modern language
This condition was made famous by a man named Pat Brister from the small mountain town of Granite Falls, Washington.
-Your arms curl up as your fingers point outwards as if you were a retarded T-Rex dinosaur.
- Staring off into oblivion
- unable to speak a clear modern language
This condition was made famous by a man named Pat Brister from the small mountain town of Granite Falls, Washington.
by Danathan Burton October 13, 2008
When your standing around with either one or both elbows tucked into your side, arms straight, wrist and fingers curled down to the floor.
Lily was standing in the kitchen talking to her mother, unaware that she was T-Rexing with both arms.
by PNPBOI October 18, 2015
When you get so drunk that you become retarded and you tuck you elbows into your side and still try to use you hands, but they are short and useless, just like a T-Rex. This state of drunkeness my also be accompanied by slurred yelling that sounds like a roar. Getting this drunk usually involves blacking out and falling down.
by FreqHopMaster March 11, 2009
The art of abruptly discontinuing contact with and ignoring all forms of communication and advances by an over zealous male persuer. It's origins come from the feature film Jurassic Park (c. 1993); "Don't move. He can't see you if you don't move."
by Raptoress December 8, 2009
Laying in bed sunday morning with your computer on your stomach while short arming the key board watching your fantasy football updates
by The Cuban Missle Crisis September 19, 2010
Imagine this scenario. It's cold outside, and you're wearing a half-sleeves shirt. To get your arms out of the cold, you pull your arms into your shirt, with only your hands poking out of the arm holes. That is called T-Rexing.
The weatherman said it would be 80 degrees, but it was so cold I had to resort to T-Rexing the entire time I was outside.
by Lumby_Jack July 15, 2017
Consuming alcohol to such a point that two things happen:
1. As mentioned above, one holds one's arms in a perched position as a T-Rex might;
and 2. When attempting to walk, one stumbles around in a stomping fashion as a T-Rex might, often destroying whatever gets in the way.
Optional: A drunken roar every now and then.
1. As mentioned above, one holds one's arms in a perched position as a T-Rex might;
and 2. When attempting to walk, one stumbles around in a stomping fashion as a T-Rex might, often destroying whatever gets in the way.
Optional: A drunken roar every now and then.
by swoopaloop64 August 31, 2010