by bert2 July 7, 2005
The act of exposing only one's penis, while remaining otherwise fully clothed, in order to have sex.
This is typically done by utilizing the zipper or fly of one's jeans to free the penis.
This is typically done by utilizing the zipper or fly of one's jeans to free the penis.
Morgan: You had sex with her in the kitchen?!! What if someone walked in?
Nate: No big deal, I still had all my clothes on, I was just kinda poked out.
Morgan: That's fucken hilarious!
Nate: No big deal, I still had all my clothes on, I was just kinda poked out.
Morgan: That's fucken hilarious!
by heyitsgray August 10, 2011
Originating from the dirty-dirty (South of the US), referring to rims that literally stick out from the tyres, this slang also refers to - put simply - a woman's backside. However, and herein lies the crux of the slang; not every woman's ass (or arse) can be described as such. Some women (rather unfortunately) have a flat ass, regardless of whether it is large in circumference or not. Much to my joy, some women with a small butt have what can be described as a poke-out. As long as it protrudes, preferably with the arch in the back (kai, i love that!), please describe it as a poke-out. Anything else is an imitation.
Damn, sonny, look at dat hispanic mami wit da poke-out. (Grits his teeth, under his breath: son, I love dat bitch.) I wanna work dat from da back!
by fem grizzly October 27, 2006
When you really need to poop and are in the car, opening your front door, etc. and you feel as if the turd is beginning to force its way out. This may actually be happening or just a sign that it will if you don't get to the toilet fast enough.
"Mom, please hurry up!"
"I'm at the speed limit, Fred! What could be so important that you would risk casualties?"
"Please, I've got a turtlehead poking out, Mom!"
"Urgh, Fred..."
"I'm at the speed limit, Fred! What could be so important that you would risk casualties?"
"Please, I've got a turtlehead poking out, Mom!"
"Urgh, Fred..."
by Not Your Local Drug Dealer August 15, 2021
To have an extreme urge to defecate, so much so that feces may already be spreading the anus and attempting to escape.
by Tommy November 20, 2003
by Liplarp985 April 11, 2017
Turtle head poking out can mean two things:
1) To have an extreme urge to defecate, so much so that the feces is already spreading the anus and a portion of it is beginning to stick out. So called because it resembles a turtle poking its head out of its shell.
2) The portion of a long log of shit that protrudes above the water in a toilet. Since it is above the water, it can be smelled. So called because it resembles a turtle poking its head out of the water.
1) To have an extreme urge to defecate, so much so that the feces is already spreading the anus and a portion of it is beginning to stick out. So called because it resembles a turtle poking its head out of its shell.
2) The portion of a long log of shit that protrudes above the water in a toilet. Since it is above the water, it can be smelled. So called because it resembles a turtle poking its head out of the water.
1) May I use your bathroom? It's urgent, I have a turtle head poking out.
2) You may not want to go into the washroom for a while: I just had a crap and there was a turtle head poking out; the smell is awful.
2) You may not want to go into the washroom for a while: I just had a crap and there was a turtle head poking out; the smell is awful.
by Coxweld July 4, 2009