The movement of which the person (or persons) lunge foreward shouting HURRRRRRRRRMMMM with elbows tucked in and hands in the clawed position
<T-Rex lunges foreward> HURRRRRRRRMMMMM
by Suspicious Cabbage July 2, 2012
by PowderforPresident February 23, 2009
by miaisbored November 8, 2010
A glam rock band from England. Formed in 1967 broke apart in 1977 when the lead singer Marc Bolan died.
by Baws JCW July 20, 2009
by adjou March 16, 2007
"After I played we had a truly trex moment in which he held my hand for 45 seconds and I looked into his beedy black eyes and felt all the emotion flow from me"
by The Victims of Trex Foundation !_! June 14, 2004
While someone you know is incapacitated either drunk or just heavily sleeping take rubber cement and apply it to the entire front section of a bare chest and bring the arms up to the chest, hold firmly until the rubber cement dries.
When the unsuspecting victim awakes they will find themslves doing the T-Rex and just as pissed.
When the unsuspecting victim awakes they will find themslves doing the T-Rex and just as pissed.
John was so drunk last night we T-Rex'd him to get a laugh, you shold have seen his hands flailing around when he woke up, he had no idea what had just happened.
by IETVTS2 October 28, 2010