That awkward moment when you are in a supermarket and you see a product with the word "PUTE" written on it!
by Find a Wingman November 27, 2019
by Marianne January 18, 2004
The hair, somewhat resembling a goatee, left around a woman's vagina after shaving their pubic region improperly.
by sxdavey January 11, 2012
by bobob November 16, 2003
Pronounced "poo-tee-d"
Used to describe an individual who is intoxicated to an incomprehensible level. Generally results in bizarre behavior such as endless hysterical laughter and excessive physical affection. These behaviors are always in excess of what one would typically expect of a drunkard.
May also be spelled "puti'd"
Used to describe an individual who is intoxicated to an incomprehensible level. Generally results in bizarre behavior such as endless hysterical laughter and excessive physical affection. These behaviors are always in excess of what one would typically expect of a drunkard.
May also be spelled "puti'd"
by Cjaco24 October 26, 2010
1°)French word for Whore.
2°)A girl you don't like.~bitch
3°)"Aux putes" : ~brothel.
4°)"Un coup de pute" : ~a scam, ~trick.
5°) A friend who is not cooperative.
2°)A girl you don't like.~bitch
3°)"Aux putes" : ~brothel.
4°)"Un coup de pute" : ~a scam, ~trick.
5°) A friend who is not cooperative.
1°) Regarde cette pute mec, elle est bonne, je vais me faire sucer !
Check out that hot whore man, I'm gonna get a blowjob!
2°) Putin elle m'a balancé, quelle pute !
Damn she gave me up, what a bitch !
3°) Oh man, en deux heure on peut être aux putes en Espagne, on y va ? - Carrément !
Man, we can be in a spanish brothel in two hours, let's go !? - Fuckin' A !
4°) Putin il est parti chez Pizza Hut sans moi, j'y crois pas le coup de pute !
Damn he's gone to Pizza Hut without me, I can't believe the fuck of it !
5°) Allez ! Donne m'en, fais pas ta pute !
Com'on ! Give me some, don't be a jew !
Check out that hot whore man, I'm gonna get a blowjob!
2°) Putin elle m'a balancé, quelle pute !
Damn she gave me up, what a bitch !
3°) Oh man, en deux heure on peut être aux putes en Espagne, on y va ? - Carrément !
Man, we can be in a spanish brothel in two hours, let's go !? - Fuckin' A !
4°) Putin il est parti chez Pizza Hut sans moi, j'y crois pas le coup de pute !
Damn he's gone to Pizza Hut without me, I can't believe the fuck of it !
5°) Allez ! Donne m'en, fais pas ta pute !
Com'on ! Give me some, don't be a jew !
by Satriany December 6, 2006