
Member of the religion that broke off from the catholic church many years ago. Basically vandalized the Bible adding and deleting writings as they please. Despise the Catholic Church and it's teachings of saints. Have been known to think they are better than anybody who isn't like them or a member of their church. beleive the catholics are going to hell along with the jews, orthodox, african americans, and homosexuals. They have criticized the Virgin Mary. They try to humiliate the Catholics as much as possible but usually end up getting hated by everyone even more. Beleive saints cannot hear prayer even though the ORIGINAL BIBLE says they can. The Protestants deleted almost anything relating to prayer to saints in the bible. Not all Protestants are bad but many of them have been accused of this stuff.
"My wife is a protestant so she refuses to attend mass with me and refuses to let the kids come with."
by jackv of GE October 15, 2007
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Protestant heretic

1. 16th century religious adhereing bitches, also known as heretics, bible thumpers, fundementalists.

2. A split off of Catholicism, which disregards Catholic teaching that was used before the bible was compiled togethar at the Synod of Hippo in 393 AD. The Catholics realize you don't just throw out 200+ years of teaching taught by Christ and the Early Church fathers now that you have a book, so that is why their religion is much more sensible and intelligent.
Protestant Usually associated with the KKK and the Masons, known for hating Jews, Gays, Catholics, Orthodoxes, and anyone else who is not a member of their church.
by Jo Jo November 28, 2004
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A Christian belonging to a Christian Church that is not Catholic or Orthodox. The main beleifs of Protestants is the same as other Christians. The details and practices are where the main diferences are. They don't usually practice the Eucharist at every service. They don't generally emulate all or any saints and Mary. Female and married priest are allowed. This brach of Christianity stems mainly from reformists like Martin Luther who had issues with the faults of the Catholic Church at his time.
The average Protestant is a good Christian and person overall. There is a few radicals who portray a negative stereotype. This image is the Homophobic, racist bigot who hates eveyone not like him. Many organzations like the KKK and other white supremisist groups have used the protestant religeon to spew their anit- jew, minority, catholic hatred to innocent people.
by northendwhitetrash June 26, 2007
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Protestable means something that is worthy of a protest
What!!! McDonald’s shake machine is broken again! That is definitely something that is protestable.
by The original Queen Bee February 26, 2019
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A group of well meaning but sometimes arrogant Christians who believe that everyone but them is wrong. Trashed the Catholic Church's teachings, in the process insulting the Virgin Mother of God, denying the complexity of the Body Of Christ, that faith devoid of works is a dead thing, and that all Catholics are going to hell. Are usually from upper-middle class backgrounds and love long as they walk, talk, sound, dress and act just like them. DO NOT represent Christianity as a whole, and are at times an embarassment to believers. Use creepy and sometimes criminal people to spread their message: Benny Hinn, John T Chick etc. 98% are good, decent loving people. All Protestants WILL go to Heaven as they accept The Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, but need to stop trashing 2000 years of Catholic teaching because they prefer Hillsong music to Gregorian. SOMETIMES delare all Catholics to be pedophiles, theives and heretics. This is a small number however. Deny that saints can hear prayer (despite it being a Biblical fact), a mistake coming from their over simplification of Christ's body. Mock other's practices and are quick to point out mistakes made by the Catholic church without stopping to think of their own. Are loved by God. Despised by many. Loved by Catholics who simply wish to live in faith peacefully. Can be spotted by incredibly dorky dress sense and listen to Hillsong music.
John- "Hello. I'm a Catholic. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, God made flesh who died on Calvaries Cross, thus justifying me by His Most Holy Blood and making me righteous in the sight of God the Father by faith. He paid the full price of my sins on Calvaries Cross, and by His Most Holy Ressurection restored me to life eternal. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the communion of saints, the ressurection of the dead and life eternal. I've been transfered from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light. I also ask that the Blessed Virgin Mary, ever connected to Jesus as part of His Body, a sacred, mystical connection between the two of them, pray to Jesus for me, that my prayers shall be heard..."

Jackie the Protestant- "Mary? Oh no! You need to know the truth!"

by PepsiCola September 11, 2006
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Any christian religion that is not Catholic. They decided to create their own religion whenever they disagree instead of fixing the problem. They often put their country before God. They will be the downfall to the U.S. Despite popular belief of protestants staying with abstinence, they are more likely to loose their virginity before marriage. Often republican, even though republican beliefs are often against the 10 commandments. While democrats want to help people, protestants are more concerned with helping themselves, and can be more selective than other religions. They are often known for hating Catholics, gays, Jews, Hispanics, and other races than their own.
Sister Catherine was asking all the Catholic school children in fourth grade what they want to be when they grow up.

Little Sheila said, "When I grow up, I want to be a prostitute!"

Sister Catherine's eyes grow wide and she barked, "What did you say?!"

"A prostitute!" Sheila exclaimed.

Sister Catherine breathed a sigh of relief and said "Whew! Thank God! I thought you said 'A Protestant'!"
by crossburnedinyardbyprotestants September 1, 2009
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n. a person who protests any injustice, usually with a high degree of enthusiasm or zealotry. Originally applied only to people protesting the constraints of the Roman Catholic Church it is now, in a kind of protest, applicable to other causes. The word "protestation" has , of course, never been constrained.
Look at all those protestants occupying Wall Street! Where are the authorities?

I think their lack of intervention means they're protestants too.
by gnostic1 October 29, 2011
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