
People who live in your city that have no personality, bland, and like anything that’s mainstream. They think they’re quirky for whatever they do, but in reality are blended in with other locals. They judge anything that is underrated and are just basic in general. They’re the type to overuse emojis unironically, post fried memes/selfies of themselves, have cringey Instagram bios like “12, bad bitch 💕😂, better than u 😘” or whatever the hell. They have no sense of humor and don’t know what memes are.
Locals have no personality and think they’re funny.
by katsukitings July 23, 2018
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People on Twitter who are very generic and from your area. Typically used by hardcore and pop-punk twitter to describe people not in the alternative scene. A less cringey term for "normies."
Locals are so boring all do is retweet @dory and tweet rap lyrics
by Madisonblegh November 10, 2017
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A term coined by the alternative community to refer to posers or just basic people in general. Commonly used against preps, 'indie' kids, e-girls/e-boys, and other groups of people who claim to be alternative because they see it as a "trend" (aka everyone on alt tiktok).
Emily and Haileigh bullied me all throughout middle school because I was emo, and now they call themselves "alt". They're such locals.
by ChickenScrxtch82 June 22, 2021
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A local is somebody who is just basic. They like all the generic mainstream artists and don't have their own sense of style or taste; they just like everything based on what is popular. They usually have crushes on generic hot boys/girls that everyone knows is conventionally attractive but not actually attractive. Some locals claim to be fans of different celebrities but only like the celebrity for their looks and haven't heard their sounds/ seen their movies.

They also think they're quirky for liking 'unique' things when really everyone else also likes those things.
- Ugh, my school is full of locals, I wish someone around here was different.

Locals: What do you guys mean? LOL XD
by CharleyFlowea May 23, 2020
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A better way to say "normies". Locals are the type of people who don't have a unique personality. They aren't really unique but for some reason, they try to be which doesn't end well. A sure way to make a baby grow into a local is by raising them into a small town and making them part of many communities as they grow and grow older. They are like bandwagons, but they don't copy everyone else. Sometimes you'll wonder if they are actually siblings with other locals or in fact twins. Or hell even clones.
God, Lincoln has so many locals, I wish someone was different for once. Wait, did you see that girl? She doesn't look from around here........maybe she can get me away from these overdramatic locals!!!
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People who live in your city that have no personality, bland, and like anything that’s mainstream. They think they’re quirky for whatever they do, but in reality are blended in with other locals. They judge anything that is underrated and are just basic in general. They have no sense of humor and don’t know what memes are.
Locals have no personality and think they’re funny for example Alex from twitter
by Weekenderatmyhouse January 28, 2019
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"Oh look at these locals listening to the 1975 and trying to like them, but you know that's a lie bc they can't relate to it"
by 666unloyal July 14, 2018
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