A tertiary level institution where it is possible to obtain one or more or quite possibly non of the following,depending on where you go and who you are:

1. An STD
2. Liberal indoctrination
3. Free or heavily subsidized beer (parties)
4. An Education usually in the form of a degree or certificate.

College is usually referred to as University in most countries outside of the U.S.A but is its equivalent except in the UK and Ireland where College refers to pre-university or A-level education.
Me went to "college" where me get edumucation and now me smart.
by Groudie September 2, 2011
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Intellectual stimulation in an ideal living environment. The combination of 1,800 talented 18-22 year olds, alcohol, drugs, and some of the most brilliant minds on the planet. A place where all men (and women) are indeed equal, and where the free exchange of ideas flourishes.

Forget Disney World - college is the most magical place on Earth.
I am smart. I want to learn, have fun, and have a future. Therefore, I am going to college.
by DreamingSpires August 24, 2004
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A place to pursue higher education and out do all the losers in the world who were stupid enough to drop out of school. And by the way, it's not the education that matters, it's the degree that gets a job paying twice as much as a job you would receive without a degree.
I'm going to college and I'm going to make triple what you will!
by Amandaa May 16, 2005
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A highly expensive institution ran by fascist liberals. Ridiculously easy to get into, except for the stuck up ivy league college that doesn't really have anything special aside from its name.

The Pros:
-After four years of of bullshit, you'll get a piece of paper which will help you get a job
-Alcohol flows like water
-A higher concentration of easy women than in a ghetto
-Drugs are just a skip and a hop away

The Cons:
-After four years of of bullshit, you'll get a piece of paper which will help you get a job
-The professors are stuck up assholes
-The elitists (feminists, pro-gay supporters, etc) are stuck up assholes
-The liberal arts students are stuck up assholes
-The classes you are forced to take are bullshit
-The extreme work is bullshit

Basically, the cons outweight the pros, but you have no choice, but to go there. Fortunately, alcohol and drugs might help you through. Unfortunately, alcohol and drugs might get you kick out.
Hmm, where to go to? Harvard, MIT, Yale, Princeton, some private college near me, or my local community college?

Eh, some private college near me. It's closer, cheaper, and they all teach the same thing anyway.
by BusinessMan May 2, 2005
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The ongoing party. You have the times where everyone loves each other and is in the best mood ever. Further on in the party people start to get bitchy, and angry, and confrentational. Then time passes and everyone is having an awesome time again.
by Kowwin March 28, 2005
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An awesome place; no need for partying, we'll say. If you're trying to get into a Public or Private Ivy for graduate work (especially in mathematics), get to know your professors here. People give them a BAD rap, but they are good, honest people (for the most part). This is a place to lose yourself in studying, in research, in intellectual discussion. And no, it is NOT a waste of money (unless one so chooses) IF and ONLY IF you spend it wisely. I am a sophomore mathematics major, and I LOVE COLLEGE.
The best time of my life, college, from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, Oklahoma, USA.
by southplainshttredskins April 10, 2009
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Sacrificing sleep for everything and sacrificing everything to sleep at the same time.
Jack had 5 assignments due so after being practically asleep for the whole day, he decided to pull an all nighter.
At 1:00 AM realizing that he can't get shit done, Jack decided to sleep instead.
Jason: " Hey Jackie, what were you doing yesterday?"
Jack: " College, man."
by Cunt massager March 22, 2018
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