When You pass wind in a group of friends, and one of your friends claims that wonderfull smell as their own.
I just ripped the perfect toot and andrew felt the need to become a toot burgler.
by Devon+Susan May 7, 2006
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person who steals turds out of portable toilets at night
There's a turdburglar at the construction site again, Mike. Whatda we gonna do?
by AlbertEinstein April 1, 2003
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Someone who either steals or wastes ur time completely for no reason except they are a moron
Michael stop watching TV your such a Time Burgler,
Alex. B can u stop watching Sailor Moon your being a Time Burgler
by Turkey Slap July 9, 2006
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1. a derrogatory term for a homosexual male

2. one who steals turds from toilets, possibly for consumption

3. one who gets their jollies from going into public places (like restaraunts and stores) and takeing a crap on the floor when no ones looking and leaving it there

4. one who hides in the bottom section of a portable toilet to watch people go to that bathroom
1. man, what a turd burgler, I bet he craps condoms

2. I left a floater to see in hopes of catching the turd burgler

3. Well, the turd burgler struck again, the manager isnt gonna like this, but Im not going to tell her, heck, I dont wanna clean it up

4. Did you hear about that turd burgler? He got a year in jail....man...of all the things you could get arrested for
by dave m w November 4, 2007
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One who staggers drunkenly around stealing the dregs of everybody elses drinks whilst they are on the dancefloor.
Some fucking beer burgler has knocked my pint off.
by Davo_ May 13, 2007
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"Dude, that was put away for stealing poo." "You mean he's a turd burgler?" "Yup." "How longs he in for?" ""Three to five depending on if he stops bogardting the prisoners anal nuggets."
by Anonymous July 12, 2003
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a person that goes into people's asses and digs out all the shit so they can eat it or sell it on ebay
donald ballato is such an ass burgler, i saw him with a piece of my shit and he said he was getting $400 for it on ebay
by markey doyle cullen May 15, 2003
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