To act with an Asian persona in order to gain either positive or negative attention from an attractive female; usually at a bar or nightclub.
"Hey check this out bro, I'm totally gonna start 'chinging it' to let that slut know I'm keen."
"Nice bro!"

"But I don't even know how to talk to girls!"
"Fuck it dude, just begin 'chinging it'."

"I was thinking about 'chinging it' tonight."
"That's what I was going to do!"

"Ew, look at that creep 'chinging it' from across the floor."
"What a loser."
by MonsieurCheeba January 3, 2014
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Money. Comes from the sound of a cash register, especially when full of coins, when it opens. Often used at the end of a sentence with an exclamation mark.
Gotta find a new job that pays more ching ching!
by Fat Rabbit July 7, 2005
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Slang for the sound when stabbing someone
1. (first roadman) Fam I dipped that yute
2. (second roadman) ching ching!
by chicken connoisseur2 November 25, 2017
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A set of Asian crips in Thailand. New Zealand. Korea. China. Japan. America. They say ching instead of cuz sometimes. All killers
I heard she Ching Ching Mafia Crip
by Getthamoneynrun August 7, 2019
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that cost some ching ching
by moral September 22, 2003
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another slang form of the word vagina
My mother told me to protect my ching ching
by Marielle Emily Chris October 25, 2007
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My boy ching ching is gonna get a 100% in the next test.
by THMr og May 8, 2018
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