Fart, flatulate, break wind, pass gas.

It comes from the Blackadder episode "Beer"
(Lord Melchett has a hangover, but Queen and Nursie think he's sick)
Queen: Well, hurry up and cure the horrible man -- I'm fed up with him lying there moaning and groaning...
Nursie: ...and letting off such great and fruitsome flabby woof-woofs! One can scarcely believe one's tiny nosy!
by George McBob May 13, 2009
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To be extremely confused, unintelligent, or to be seen as dumb by many people.
Person 1: Did you here that Cole got a 16% on the last test?
Person 2: Yeah, that kid is so woofed but at least he's nice.
by Tiege17 January 27, 2017
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calling someone out on a major lie; false claim
Woof! You are not at home sleeping, I just saw you walking to Subway!
by jadeem April 22, 2011
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A fanfic on deviantart full with enought egnlish spelling and grammar mistakes to kill every english teacher. by ~agreeabledragon.

The fanfic is about Ichigo dating his OC otachi and Otachi turns into a Wolf Wolf, but he is a wolf fox (folf). Ichigo turns into a mew mew as per the normal story line. The normal stotry line is Tokyo Mew Mew. There are 17 stories total.

Those who like the exquisite masterpiece, Half Life: Full Life Consequences, will like Woof Woof Power.
Woof Woof Power

His eyes were brown and his hair was black and his eues were red.

earth……….. a beautiful blue plant filled with millions of life forms.

It WAS a bright and sunny day and the birds were chirping loudly and it was sunny.

"no I do not know the knew guy I wish I was dating him" the friend said.

Links:(get rid of spaces in middle of link to work)

http ://ag reeabledragon.deviant art.com /gallery/2 9019827#/d38o5h1

Youtube Dramatic Reading/Animation~
htt p:// ww w.youtub e.co m/w atc h?v=gC9pkXvdtSE&feature=

drawn and uploaded by sleepykoinu, read by mrdrgermany
by L337Pl4y0r March 25, 2011
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The breaks on the work van are fuckin Woofed Yo!
by Irish_Mic February 5, 2009
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Woof is a term used to describe something that's gross. This can be gross looking or gross smelling.
Keaton: Do you smell my pussy? (As she pulls down her panties.)
Cody: O woof! That smells like fuck!

Keaton: Do you see that guy?

Cody: Yes.

Keaton: What do you think?

Cody: Woof!
by TheCodemeister January 27, 2016
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To call someone out in public, especially in the form of a challenge.
You can keep woofing all night, I'm not going to race for pinkslips.
by BooHooLou August 23, 2003
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