Having so many hickeys that you have to wear a turtle neck to cover them
I went to the movies with josh last night and now it’s turtleneck season !
by Poppinbody January 2, 2018
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1. Noun- the collection of santorum left under the foreskin after a messy anal frolic.

2. verb- the act of depositing the aforementioned sphincter sediment onto a person's neck and/or face.
1. Garber greedily lapped up the sticky remnants of Max's Tunisian Turtleneck.

2. When that bitched acted up and started yelling for her money I gave her a Tunisian turtleneck and rinsed her off with a golden shower.
by ourlunchman May 4, 2006
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The act of placing balls over sexual partners eyes, and ejaculting while choking them.
Last night i got my girl to wear a belgian turtleneck.... if you know what i mean.
by PilgoreThaGoat February 22, 2011
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(noun): A southern euphemism for vagina, like "pocketbook." Also it is important not to air dry your pink turtleneck as it can cause it to mold up and grow yeast, so only pat it dry instead.

Credits: Selena L., Kristy C., Janice D., Kate P.
Girl 1: "Hey girl! I'm so itchy down there today!"

Girl 2: "Ah. You must have air dried your pink turtleneck again. Didn't anyone ever tell you air drying makes it mold and yeast up?"

Girl 2: "It's all in the patting I tell you!"

Girl 1: "Oh like this?" *pats her turtleneck vigorously*

Girl 2: "Yep. See you're a natural!"

Girl 1: "Wow I'm so good at this" *continues to rub feverently*

Girl 2: "Okay you can stop now."

Girl 1: "No I should keep practicing. You can help me if you'd like."
by CLYLPNY February 29, 2012
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what iPhone chargers start to get after a few weeks of heavy use
"Can I borrow your charger?" "Sure, just be careful, it had the turtleneck of death."
by Buckshank August 4, 2015
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The act of a man's head being placed between two sets of large breasts so that the breasts make a "turtleneck" over the man's neck
Brandon: "Dude, i just got the two Emily's to give me a Swiss Turtleneck!"

Blake: "Nice, dude!"
by Big Choctaw July 6, 2010
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