a really good female friend who is really nice and sweet
She's my best muffin in the whole world!
by jakub January 4, 2004
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The after effect of smoking too much marijuana. It is what occurs the next morning or day after you smoke a lot the night before. Symptoms of being muffined include waking up late, feeling really full, waves of being high, lack of attentiveness, and still having odd food cravings. Similar to an alcohol hangover for marijuana only it doesn't suck.
Oh dude, I am so muffined right now. Last night was dope.
by Someguy121212 July 6, 2009
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The act of emulating a muffin, or an other delicious dessert or pastry (i.e. donut)
She is SO muffinous and cute!
by Jax August 1, 2003
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The pudge of flabby skin that hangs over the front of your pants at the waistline. It looks just like a muffin and how it rises out over the paper cup you bake them in.
I can't wear this half-top until I loose this muffin.

You've got a muffin going on there.
by Ember June 4, 2005
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Usually used to reffer to a womans breasts so that no profanity is used.
Also used in a playfull manner to comment on breasts
by *Dizzy D* March 4, 2006
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Its a mother fucking muffin.

If you don't know what a muffin is you can go fuck your self up the anus.
Dayam nigger! This muffin is better then kfc!
by Nicholas Bryan April 7, 2005
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