Pronunciation: R-I-Double Gay
RIAA is gay to the max
by XHC January 15, 2004
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the gayest fucking thing ever formed in the history of earth, all they do is sue ppl, for downloading music because they are a bunch of dick-sucking fags that have nothing left to do because they have sucked every dick there is so they have decide to sue ppl for downloading music, even 12 yr olds, and even ppl that dont even have a computer, just for downloading a song, A SONG, how fucking gay.
fuck the RIAA and i hope they die a painful death and rot in hell!
by MasterCracker April 21, 2006
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An organization that consists of lowdown, bratty, douchebaggy, tyrants!!! They make CDs and sell them for high prices. When you download the music instead of paying for their shit, they will sue you like the asses they are because they might have to go a day without a lobster dinner. They pretend to support artists when all they are doing is making money for themselves and earning hatred which they greatly deserve. I plan on finding their nearest office and protesting on their tyranny over the music industry. If they comtinue to act like this, I will burn their office and make the surviving members of this organization into meat which I will send to McDonalds, so they can rip us all off and pretend to care for our health. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! RIAA is the worst organization I know of!! They ruin the reputation of fuddy duddies and Republicans!! I am not one, but I know many people who are and I respect them, but the RIAA completely destroys their reputation. It is sad.
Person1: The RIAA is going to sue me for 100,000 due to my downloading of a song.
Person 2: Those bastards!! They don't give a damn about piracy. They just want money. They are just greedy. Don't worry about it. They probably won't succeed in suing you anyway.
by Bevvie May 29, 2006
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The Recording Industry Association of America. The music industry's own modern day version of J. Edgar Hoover and Joseph McCarthy. Much like the two aforementioned men, the RIAA systematically ruins the lives of helpless people (e.g. kids, college students, poor people). The only difference is instead of naming them Communists because of personal beliefs, they sue the shit out of them to the point of no return for downloading a song for free instead of buying an overpriced CD with that one good song on it and 12 other crappy ones.
This may be an exaggeration, but 20 years from now when 90% of the country is living in housing projects, trailer parks, or even wondering the street homeless, we will all remember it was because the RIAA sued the crap out of some 6 million college students, forcing them to drop out because they couldn't pay their tuition due to the lawsuits. Now they are all doing low paying manual labor jobs because they have nothing to their name.
by kstar8706 March 25, 2005
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Retarded idiots and assholes

these are the fucktards who push DRM and randomly go around sueing people for downloading music. So far they have sued 2 teenage girls, 3 grandmothers and 1 dead person. I hope they will sue a dimplomat w\ diplomatic immunity next.
"DRM is great"
"Downloading is stealing"
"When you pirate mp3's you are downloading communism"
by towel401 February 17, 2005
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Fucks who think that we killed the music industry by downloading when in reality they are the ones who screwed it.
We didn't screw the music industry, the music industry screwed itself...
by sweatyturtle19 July 3, 2003
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