*A person (yes, apparently men can be prostitutes as well) who condones sexual acts for payment of money.

*A hack received by a woman who is dressed beautifully, or if the woman is beautiful.
"I didn't know guys could be prostitutes!"

ME : "You got some nice duds today babe. ^-^"
CHICK : "Thank you. That other kid said I looked like a prostitute."
by Dave March 20, 2004
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A person (typically a woman) who gets paid to have sex with guys, not always in cold hard cash, sometimes in expensive luxuries or drinks, such as jewellery, clothing, whisky etc.
Joe: Hey, Greg, is that your prostitute?

Greg: No, it's my wife!

Joe: Hey, do you wanna get some shots?

Greg: My wife won't let me.
by w8st3d4u March 9, 2015
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Why work so hard to get a girlfriend when I can just get a much better value at 5th and Broadway with prostitution?
by TheEditingMan April 9, 2009
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I'm worn out, so I think I'll hire a prostitute for tonight.
by MineIgga March 29, 2015
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A prostitute is simply a person who has sex for money
Girl: mom I'm a prostitute
Mom: oh no! Well did you at least get money
Girl: no I got bacon
Mom: oh that's a relief, because it's not prostitution if you pay them in bacon
Girl: yay I'm not a prostitute then
by ~:^) April 10, 2014
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