Derives from the root word, ilf. It stands for Parakeet I'd like to fuck. Used to describe especially attractive parakeets.
Guy 1 - Holy shit, check out the color on that parakeet! And those wings, wow! What a pilf!

Guy 2 - Hellz yeah, I'd tap that!
by John Argon August 7, 2006
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erin from APO sure is a pilf
by pilf#2 November 16, 2006
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polly pocket princess i'd like to fuck
- a short and cute girl with whom you would like to engage in sexual relations
that midget in the bikini is hot, i think she's a pilf.
by J. Powell March 24, 2006
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Have you been down the WI today? Blimey! Have I?! There's loads of Pilf!
by Andrew Broadhurst & Jasmin September 2, 2007
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Pops I'd like to fuck

also see Gilf ( Grandad i'd like to......) to describe those grand parents of superior hotness.
"your grandads a gilf"
"I call him Pops"
"well then he's a Pilf"
by Scarlettyourdestiny December 30, 2010
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A Pilf is an individual who looks as though the top of his head might be on fire. He usually sees the world through squinty eyes and smells like old milk, it's probably just his dingleberries though. DO NOT, and I repeat DOOO NOT have food around a Pilf. He will go insane and ravage on everything in your household. Think you hear a tea kettle? Or a rape whistle? No... that's probably just the mouth of a young Pilf.
EMILY: Did you hear that sound?
BECCA: Yeah it's that Pilf kid whistling down the street after a white kitty.
EMILY: Can he even see the kitty? His eyes are so squinty.
BECCA: No one knows... all I know is that you better hide your burrito before he sees it.
by serio&herringINC. January 28, 2012
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