
Formal title given to a male or female who is sexy, well-dressed and has much charisma
(to a lady entering the club) "Woo, make way for your hotness, coming through!
(gazing as P Diddy goes by) Oh yes, that's hotness right there for you.
by 2ndcitykitty September 22, 2003
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(n.) how hot a person is, the quality of being hot
"Oh my God, hotness overwhelming! I'm losing control...quick John, get in front of me so she won't see my hard on."
by --Meatwad-- November 27, 2004
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something that you think is cool. like saying 'cool' except this is a better word for it.
"This shirt is hotness!"
by Allison September 25, 2004
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To be so hot that one can only be described as hotness
Yo! Check that bitch out, she's hotness!
by The Bob!!! September 21, 2003
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noun, often preceded by "the"

an event, situation, or circumstance that is so unexpected and out of the ordinary that it causes a problem or otherwise uncomfortable environment for which no solution or recourse is readily available or obvious

an event, situation, or circumstance brought about by or made worse by incomprehensible ineptitude
I was hoping for a quiet vacation with my girlfriend, but the hotness found me when I ran into both my wives and my parole officer there.

It was bad enough when the university's e-mail server went down, but they really brought the hotness when the e-mailed everyone telling them that fact.
by nopain00 March 3, 2005
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the state of being hot
after one has been running for a bus, or are in a club where the condensation drips from the walls, you may exclaim, "Phew, hotness!"
by angelina ballerina December 16, 2003
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A word to describe a hot, fine, young man
"Ooh, he's fulla hotness!"
by awesomer than you September 22, 2003
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