A: Ohh, look at flora!
B: Yeah, what a PILF!!!
A: yeah, lets bang her
by haakki March 8, 2007
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Ex:"man, did you see that girl? She was fine as hell! What a pilf!
by Brady Gabe Josiah Bryan January 1, 2009
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verb, To steal something in a feendish way purposly to laugh at his/her misfortune.
I stole Johns pants while he was swimming, hes gonna have to walk around for the rest of the day without any on gutted
by Sean March 28, 2004
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(at the beach)
Jen: hey, is that father O'Toole on the boardwalk?
Sarah: Holy crap, it is!
Jen: What a pilf!
by King of Canada April 10, 2006
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Dude, I went to the zoo with my girl on Saturday, and I saw the hottest PILF in the arctic exhibit.
by deanwermer February 2, 2008
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Pilot I'd like to fuck. You know you've seen them wandering the airports... probably drunk. And you want to jump their bones.
"Whoa! Did you see our pilot? He's a PILF!"
by Rainbabyroo December 5, 2006
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