A group of three guys who are probably the most spontanous and sexy men around
Yo is that Brandon, Michael, and Eric? Damn right it is! They some sexy ass Chico Timido' s!
by Cherk December 13, 2017
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Points obtained via doing acts such as listening to music on an iPod, trashing bathrooms, playing bluegrass on the saxophone, etc.
Person 1: “Hey man, how many Chico Points do you have?”

Person 2: “I listened to 4 songs on my iPod and trashed a bathroom, so I think I’m at 21 Chico Points.”
by LaundryRoom287 November 21, 2018
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Delicious mineral water , that will boost your testosterone and make all the hoes want you after finishing a single bottle of it, It will also gives you instantly erections and will makes you have rough sex with your female partner until it squirts on you and looks like you are getting baptized.
This Topo Chico is delicious. Ummmm
by Tommy Jacketson March 4, 2021
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It means :Check It, Boy.
This expression is used when some person sends an email to another one and she calls it to warn to him and to request to him that she reviews it and is pronounced generally with Cuban accent.
It comes from the same Migration Team that create the Guenízimo word, but it was used mainly by Carlos and Pablo.
Its use became extensive to other aspects different from e-mails sending, like for example to request that some data is reviewed and confirmed.
Pablo : Che, ¿Me mandaste el archivo? (Do you sent me the file?)
Carlos: Si (Yes)
Pablo : ¿y completaste los datos? (And you fill all data?)
Carlos: Si, Chécalo Chico...

Pablo : ¿Abriste el Correo? (Do you open your mail?)
Carlos: No, todavía no. (No, not yet)
Pablo : Chécalo Chico!
by Pablo Videla October 11, 2006
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A sparse but dark mustache on the upper lip. Unlike 5 o'clock shadow, the hairs are not stubble--they are long. Commonly seen on early adolescents and the Hispanic population.
Teen 1: Do you think I could grow a mustache?
Teen 2: No. It would probably end up as a chico 'stache, just like Jose over there.
by jamsandwich3 June 21, 2009
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A really quite good leeds-based band. Are sure to get huge. Very original and utterly exquisite.
Crowd member #1: buen chico were damn good
Crowd member #2: yeah, and Morgan's hair is the best
by 'Rave' February 3, 2006
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