An individual (usually male) that goes from store to store or from department from department within the same store in a desperate pathetic attempt to date members of the opposite sex. Often they are frequent customers, but clearly their motives are not patronage and they're completely oblivious to the annoyances they cause. Sometimes they work for the same retailer they do their stalking in.
He was not successful getting the phone number of the cute girl at the Service Deli counter, so he went to Dairy and tried to get the phone number of the cutie working there. If he does not get it he will try the hottie in Electronics -- such is the life of a retail stalker.
by Foxy Funderburke September 21, 2009
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Someone who LOVES working in retail, makes little cash, is happily content, and feels no need to do anything else with their life.
Tiffany said she'd cover Jason's shift and work a double. Dude, she's a freakin Retail Whore.
by Freeman Hall November 18, 2007
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Intensive shopping for nothing in particular than can lead to large credit card bills and inevitably immense debt or loss of property.
My girlfriend went for some retail therapy the other day because her best mate called her fat and now we have a £3000 credit card bill and can't pay our mortgage.
by Jamie Churchard January 3, 2006
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Someone who gives it up for material gifts
Nikki is a retail whore, buying her a Michael Kors purse is a guaranteed lay.
by yakkity yak December 16, 2014
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the act of getting rid of stress by shopping
- I think I failed that math test!
- Me too!
- We should get retail therapy
- On it
by shoppah September 24, 2011
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1. An idiot's way of dealing with an idiotic problem.

2, One of the most moronic notions bestowed upon humankind that simply buying some frivolous mass-produced good can alleviate one's mood or take away a bad feeling caused by a REAL problem, when in fact buying some random product will do nothing about the actual problem but MAY induce an hour's worth of distraction which is enough for people who have the attention span and memory of a chipmunk.
1. Omg, like my friend totally didn't text me back and I've been waiting for 2 minutes!! I'm totally gunna go to the mall and blow up my credit card now to ease this PAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN. FML!!!

2. Omg!! I just found out I have a Sexually Transmitted Disease and it's like sooooOOoo gross. I need some retail therapy!!! *30 min. later* This dress is so cute... why was I upset again??
by hoopladoopla December 23, 2010
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A dark art of being able to survive while being held responsible for issues and situations outside of your control by members of the public and by those who outrank you. Often used as the cause of and solution to all of the problems of unreasonable people. Long term exposure often leads to a lack of empathy, high tolerance to pain, apathy, institutionalisation and a lack of self care. In extreme cases can lead to the illusion of job security and belief in corporate policies.
I used to fell things before I started retail management
by j.dinnen February 26, 2021
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