A game involving taking and drinking other peoples drinks that have been left on the table or the bar. Usually when they are looking away or gone to the toilet.
"Jeff and I had no money in the club the other night so we just played a game of tables"
by andrewmalone September 25, 2011
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Having sexual intercourse with someone who is at least one generation older than you.
"Hey man, you be tabling my mama?"

"Yeah, I've been tabling your mama.!"
by Jimmy James August 21, 2003
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In Tabletop or Board Games involving armies, tableing or to table someone is to completely and utter wipe out an opponent's unit from the board, often in an aggressive manner.

Sometimes, not always, tableing someone requires that the army had been built specifically to destroy another person's army, or to ignore strategics assets in order to bring more firepower, so tableing someone on purpose can be considered rude, especially by the loser.
Player 1: "Ok, I move my flamethrower units closer to your last squad and fire. *rolls* That's 8 hits."

Player 2: "Rolling to save. *rolls* Nothing. You wiped out the whole squad. Damn it, I've been tabled!"

PLayer 1/Observer: "Maybe you should try different units to avoid tableing"
by Luke_Prowler July 30, 2010
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An area where you can make tik toks and listen to Post Malone.
Anyone can visit The Table.
by yellowmamba69 October 31, 2019
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A four legged piece of shit that you always stub your toe on
Guy 1: *walks in the dining room*
Guy 1: *stubs toe* FUCCCCCCk
by BOiNoNIBB May 9, 2018
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Someone who you would conceivable hook up with, but you'd rather not.

A semi-nonsexual entity
I kissed dennis
Hes kind of a table, but hey,
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A four legged piece of furniture used to dine, play board games or many other gay fucking possibilities for homosexuals. Like seriously who the fuck needs a table anyway? Just sit the food on your lap. Just play monopoly on the floor. Tables are a fucking waste of money! Why walk around IKEA trying to find a table later to set it up and say “Wait this is a waste of money”. Don’t buy tables you homos.
Where’d you leave the abortion pills?
On the table in front of you. Idiot.
by leavethisprofile October 28, 2018
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