by lexi_2005 February 6, 2020
A growth digit at the tip of your foot created for the sole purpose of demonstrating horrible pain when you stub it against a corner or wall.
by exserohilum November 18, 2019
by tqueen82 January 20, 2017
Little hands for your feet. Used by the human race when we were in the early stages of evolution, e.g. Apes
Guy: Duuddee, do you ever think, like do you ever think, wait for it, do you ever look at your feet realise that your toes are little hands for your feet?
Like what would we grab with them? Would we make food with them?
Girl: Give me the brownies Danny.
Like what would we grab with them? Would we make food with them?
Girl: Give me the brownies Danny.
by marcussparkus September 7, 2014
by KatNat05 March 17, 2009