1. A Premature Ejaculator

2. A Boy who develops early, thus intern is able to skeet earlier. The maximum age for an early skeeter is arguable. Some say the maximum age is 12, others 14. Skeet Magee (the most famous skeeter of all time) is a classic example of an Early Skeeter. Skeet Magee was able to skeet at age 12, though some say that he was born with the ability to skeet, making him the earliest skeeter of all time by at least 10 years.
Bob: "My son Timmy succesfully masturbated today!!!"
Jones: "Dude, 1st of all thats nasty"
Bob: "Come on man, hes only 12 years old!!"
Jones: "Damn...thats incredible I forgot he was that young"
Bob: "Yup my Timmy is an Early Skeeter "
Jones: "Your sons a regular F****** Skeet Magee!"
Bob: "Well I didnt say all that, I mean Skeet Magee is a F****** legend man, my son is a pansy"
by David Skeet Jr. March 12, 2008
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An Uncle Skeeter is one who skeets while at someone else's house. Looked down upon as strange by many people, but most "Uncle Skeeter"s just enjoy masturbating in a place away from home, it brings more pleasure for them.
-Damn, I just found out that Sasman jerked-off at my house yesterday

-Dude, I knew he's an Uncle Skeeter!!!
by I M A Dogg October 20, 2005
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Can be used to refer to any false news flooder.
It's a character from Harry Potter.
1. He is spreading this rumor, he must be a Reeta Skeeter.
2. She is not Reeta, she's a Reeta Skeeter!!
by s4nju1 September 15, 2011
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The kind of joint somebody rolls when they are too cheap and stingy to roll a "fatty". So thin, the rolling paper makes up the bulk of said joint and resembles a mosquitos (skeeter) leg when finished.
Terry could roll twenty Skeeter Legs from the same bag of pot anybody else could get 5 from.
by John Wesley February 9, 2008
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a. An old show that used to be commonly found on the popular children's channel "Nickelodeon". Now... not so much.

b. that cousin that you always catch whacking off in his bedroom.

oh john, you're just a skeeter
by tsb March 6, 2005
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A hype-redneck way of acknowledging your best friend
Yeeter skeeter! I’ll make the beer run!
by Yeeter skeeter January 31, 2018
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A word my AP teacher is adamant he came up with to describe huge ass mosquitos but he then found out it was on UD and got really pissed during class
"A mosquito that is the size of a pterodactyl, a Skeeter Dactyl!"
by FireGenesis November 1, 2018
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