Bork - a sound used for dogs, such as Gabe the dog, The internet version of bark
Person learning internet culture: omg, this doggo just borked!
Meme expert: well, yeah
Person learning internet culture: shut up, cunt SJW
by MemeExpert December 28, 2016
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A word used to sing a certain song (Toreador) from a certain fandom (FNAF)
by overcookedbagelbites January 17, 2022
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what doggos do when they have been done a heckin frighten
dude:Oh no! My doggo borked 3 times and now hes going into maximum borkdrive!
by lakeshow June 21, 2018
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When you a cheesy infection in your bunghole and it drops on the floor
Ah dammit my but is so borkful
by Stinky clam 696969 June 1, 2017
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Deteng whichen do unna chikee bean propured oven iten.
Zoyew takde chikee undye BORK BORK BORK!
by The Swedish Chef March 10, 2005
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Aka the BORK squad representing in the philadelphia suburbs.
This joke needs to BORK! the uck up
by uckdat August 18, 2011
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The sound a fluffer pupper makes. Different from a Swedish fluffer pupper, which goes bjork.
“Bork” said the pupper
by 69 Is A Number February 11, 2019
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