
(To bork) verb
To have your art stolen by an obsessed fan, and regurgitated.
Oh shit, some bitch came into my recording studio and stole my lyrics. Then she used them in her own song. I've been borked!
by Kate Borrowkowski July 2, 2011
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1. (v) to display your testicles by placing them over your shaft, usually correlated with the element of surprise

-sometimes used as a threat or expression of contempt

-synonym for balkanize
1. I was just chillin on my bed when I looked up and got borked.

-Damn it Pat Wong, if you do that again I'm going to bork you!
by James Frattison May 9, 2011
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1. The common sound of a doggo( See doggo)
"Yo, did you hear that big doggo's bork?"
by TehRealCoralSnek May 27, 2017
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The act of farting underwater and eating the bubbles.
Ewww...that nasty pig was just borking in the pool.
by Mikey Modogg August 12, 2005
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To ruin a chance at; to botch, to fail, to mess up.
I completely borked my interview.
by K.S. December 4, 2003
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To block someone's Supreme Court nomination through a systematic approach of belligerent questioning, hyperbolic statements, and character assassination.
"Clarence Thomas doesn't have a chance: we're gonna bork the crap out of him."
by DES1989 July 20, 2009
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When you a cheesy infection in your bunghole and it drops on the floor
Ah dammit my but is so borkful
by Stinky clam 696969 June 1, 2017
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