Not of high quality; Very poor in effort
Dale's lack luster attitude is the reason why the banquet was a fiasco
by Jonathan Maiden February 19, 2008
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A play on the Hawaian language. Meaning getting no sex.
Billy is so horny,he's suffering from lack a nookie.
by Bill/K4FLH May 27, 2008
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Lack of nookie is a condition witch involves numous symptoms for example blue balls, aggravation,

Uncontrollable thoughts and feelings of being horny.
Lack of nookie exampl..
My girlfriend's tight with her pussy I think I'm a die of LACK- OF - NOOKIE.
by Codlow February 20, 2018
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Someone who says shit about you behind your back gossips whispers slates you but don't have the balls to say it to your face..
Why have you been chatting shit about me you must have a lack of balls to say it to my face
by Bumflap January 20, 2016
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A derivative of just kidding or JK, another way of saying that you are just messing around.
I'm just duah-lacking with you bro. No, I'm Duah-Lacking with you.
by colbdawg February 26, 2013
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Crust lack is used by Italian-English to say something they don't understand but can also mean a swear.
Also is used to show lots of hatred to another.
If used wrong can be very offensive to others.
"Man that thing is Crust Lack"
"I swear that Crust Lack better shut his mouth"
"What's that Crust Lack"?
by ItaliaCraft December 7, 2011
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