Intentionally puking on your partner at the moment of climax. A combination of the words jizz and puke.
I'm pretty sure I got roofied and juked on my girlfriend last night. It's the only thing that's explains the missing 4 hours and puke in my truck.
by firemule June 1, 2014
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the word is called juking not hihp fucking trust me i know im at a pro in participating in it.
when a thick girl dancing you walk behind her grab her hips pull her close and she gone start juking you. That's dance on you with her ass. everyman enjoys it and this is another way for girls to see what you packing with so you guys with extra small penis this dance is not for you unless you wanna get treated.
by AKLJ June 11, 2007
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To be avoided via instant messaging, on Facebook, by a friend who is clearly logged in.
My friend was logged into our socail network and when I sent her a message she paused then logged off. WTF I got Juked!
by codluv December 27, 2011
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in south london and other parts , to 'juke' someone means to stab them
'do u wanna get juked' ,'i'll juke him'
by J-Town April 14, 2005
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To Jizz from your mouth.

Or, to Puke out Jizz.

It happens when you are disgusted and turned on in the same time.
(Watching 3 girls 2 cups)

Murph: "Aww, I'm gonna juke!"

*Murph Jukes*

Dan: "Aww Man, Murph totally Juked on your desk!"

(As Seen on CollegeHumor)
by Gogglesz May 14, 2010
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A large spike in the Jewish population of a certain area. It is a mix of the word Jew and the word Nuke.
“Damn man Brooklyn was the shit back in the day before the whole borough juked the fuck up!”
by KipDefinitions January 30, 2018
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