a little Irish wanker (me) guarding his pot of gold
I was guarding my naked Miley Cyrus pictures like a leprechaun
by Leprecaun joe June 5, 2015
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An irishman who chooses to seduce and or date their best friends first cousin.
Yeah bro that sneaky leprechaun asked me if I wanted to see me nudes of the chick he's been banging and it turned out to be my cousin.
by Ranchgirls April 27, 2020
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Term based on Irish folklore used to describe a deep beautiful sleep one has after suffering through a horrific hangover.
After suffering through a day of the Midget Hitter's hangover, Petey curled up in bed and drifted off into the Leprechauns Lullaby. Midget Hitter
by Sacramento Solon December 22, 2016
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The Doodoo Leprechaun is the reason why sometimes when you look down in the toilet, you have a green stool. When you are lucky enough to have green excrement, it means that you have been visited by the Doodoo Leprechaun and you will have good luck for a whole fortnight! The greener the poo, the luckier you'll do!
Guy #1: Man, I just had a shit, and it was GREEN! Is something wrong with me?

Guy #2: No, man. It was just the Doodoo Leprechaun!

by Justin Cow September 15, 2006
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A small friend/co-worker that is easy to miss.
Worker: Hey, have you seen Joe?

Co-worker: No, he disappears like a little magical leprechaun.

Worker: Damn, I have been looking for him all week.

Co-worker: He's probably with his pot of gold.
by Jefe01 October 20, 2015
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A name for a woman who is known to be a gold digger. Prominently old white men with money are the primary target. When he dies, she gets his pot of gold!
Chasing the Leprechaun is the act of pursuing a rich old white guy for his money.
by Sean Day Lou Swahili Swag September 1, 2016
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Slang for something seemingly magical that eventually backfires.
The plan seemed like a sure fire moneymaker but revealed itself to consist only of leprechaun farts.
by Dr Bunnygirl March 13, 2021
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