When a black person acts white. Kinder eggs are dark on the outside and white on the inside.
"Omg you're such a fking kinder egg Raquisha"
by welovemesalwa January 7, 2020
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Kinder Egg Is an Dangerous Weapon If you see a nigga with it he boutta do some crazy shit.
Yo Look at that nigga he got a Kinder egg He Dangerous
by ElIThenigga September 26, 2019
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It´s what the AIDS virus is called when a child has it.
Maaskantje, kinder-aids!
by Disease 007 February 26, 2018
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fertilizing your plants with dead children
ya my yard looks great because of all that kinder gardening i did
by the friendly farmer November 27, 2010
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An unexpected pregnancy. Derived from the German toy "Kinder Surprise", which literally translates to "Surprise Children".
"I'm pregnant again!", said the girl

"OMFG, another Kinder Surprise", said the boy.
by PopeMichael March 1, 2010
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The act of dating or having sex with a person who is 17 by a person over the age of 18. The term derived from the word kindergardener and was formed because typically 17 year olds need to be cared for in adult situations such as keg parties. 17-year-olds are rarely discrete.

This term can be used to describe the act of dating a 17-year-old, the person dating the 17-year-old, or the 17-year-old.

Did Weasley really kinder care last night at the party?

Listen kindercare, you can have a say in what movie we watch when you are old enough to vote.
by Allisaur December 9, 2007
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the act of hitting someone by accident with your car, not fatally and skrrting away.
"How'd you end up in here? I tried to pull a kinder egg but totaled my civic on the freeway."
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