when a mf tries to basically break your leg by simply putting the ball under his leg
Me: Bro this guy thinks hes good he does not have Basketball Handles. Let me teach him a lesson *puts ball under leg back and forth*
Person: *somehow falls to the ground*
Crowd:*yooo he just got his ankles broke*
by Addi is a Baddie45 December 8, 2022
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How Jess entices men round to her house for sexual pleasure.
Hi Carl come round tonight to see my lip handles
by Beau78 September 25, 2018
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When a female has multiple buns on top of her head to hold onto while giving a blowjob.
That girl was giving me a skully when I held onto her head handles. Head handles are great to hold onto while getting head.
by tisom July 23, 2019
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The plastic knob put in the back of cellphones, so you dont drop and break your 5th iPhone, this year.
I got tired of buying Gina a new phone every time she got drunk, dropped it and broke it. So I bought her a retard handle
by Ninja Nerd Warrior April 7, 2018
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When someone shoots you with a pump and it hits HARD
Person 1:Damn he was on height and fully handled me
Person2: wow he must know how to handle the pump
by Handlemeister69420 May 17, 2020
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When you kick a girl on her shin so hard she grabs onto your dick for support
I gave this fat chick a crutch handle and that’s how my dick is broken
by Penisface1999 January 10, 2018
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Bob, lets grab the wives by their Trump Handles and go out tonight.
by BrewTa22 October 14, 2016
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