A lesbian.
Has to finger fuck 'cause she ain't got a cock to satisfy her beatch.
Loretta is such a voracious cunt poker! Her hands always smell of fish fingers.
by silkpouch September 4, 2007
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Either a man or women who pokes holes with needles in contraceptives in hopes of trapping their friend with benefits.
Rey: Hey bro i just got off the phone with Nikki and she's prego.. WTF am i gonna do?

JHill: well stupid ass did you use protection?

Rey: yes every time!

JHill: Did you bring the condoms or did she?

Rey: well when we were at my house we used mine and when we were at her house we used hers, why?

JHill: You always ALWAYS bring your own... She's a hole poker!
by Nessy810 September 3, 2009
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meaning arse sex usually for gay men

or arse rape(er/rape(d) but not in the actuall rape kind of way

or bumming
go get poo poked you poo poker
by johnnii July 28, 2007
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A face on a person that shows no emotion, often called poker face because in the game of poker it would be foolish to show any emotional traits that might screw the game for you.
Nicole has one solid poker face when we have sex, that's why I had a vasectomy.
by d'fo March 20, 2004
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The poker donkey has replaced the poker fish. In the olden days of poker (before 1999) the bad players were called fish. Now a days they are called a donkey.

A poker donkey is a bad player, or is he? A poker donkey is a gambler. Not just any old gambler though. The poker donkey will hit their gut shot straight, seven high flush, and miracle full-house after a fourth street flush. The poker donkey is a terrible gambler. The poker donkey will gamble with incorrect odds and hit their miracle card.

A poker donkey does not know any better. Donkeys like to play and they will get paid at your expense. You can expect to find a poker donkey at the lower limits of poker. Usually they will go on good runs of cards. The donkey will run so good that they will be mistaken that they are actually good at poker and berate other players to their fine playing skills.

But, like all donkeys they finally end up on the rail watching other donkeys play. The poker donkey will often be mad and sulk and blame the cards for the absolute terrible run of bad fortune. It is only then that the poker donkey will dig deep to gain knowledge of the game.

Whether you are playing poker online, playing a live poker tournament or playing poker in a casino watch out. There just may be a poker donkey sitting next to you.
That guy is a fucking poker donkey. If I ever play cards like those, I'd be a donkey. You won that hand playing like a donkey.
by pokerdonkey August 23, 2006
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Wombat Poker is the resistance movement opposing the action that the US department of Justice took on Pokerstars, Full Tilt, and Absolute Poker in April 2011.
Wombat Poker saved my life in April 2011.
by Tbobwombat April 26, 2011
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one who pokes turds with his cock. men and women can have their turds poked.
that guy is a turd poker, his girl is always walking funny.
by eviltrailer September 7, 2004
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