15 definitions by d'fo

A face on a person that shows no emotion, often called poker face because in the game of poker it would be foolish to show any emotional traits that might screw the game for you.
Nicole has one solid poker face when we have sex, that's why I had a vasectomy.
by d'fo March 20, 2004
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A book by Upton Sinclair, depicting the horrors of the American Meatpacking Industry during the late 19th century.
The Jungle was a very controversal book, that the president himself took action to regulate the way food is processed in America
by d'fo March 25, 2004
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Hitlers Birfday if he was still alive and also National Weed Day
"Oh Dayum it's 420 gotts celebrate Hitler's Birfday while lighting up the doobie"
by d'fo April 20, 2004
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The erectile penis a man get when he wakes up, can be also known as morning wood.
I always wake up every day with a morning missile
by d'fo February 25, 2004
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The 40 year old wife of Peter Griffin from Family guy. She is a stay at home who also teaches piano lessons. she is often the target of death of the youngest member of the family Stewie Griffin. She aslo has two more children Chris Griffin and Meg Griffin.
for a 40 year old Lois Griffin has one fine ass body
by d'fo March 29, 2004
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Probably the most funniest song out there made by Budweiser, and even though it's only like a minute long, it's still worth listening to
by d'fo April 2, 2004
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Age: 42
Occupation: Factory worker / Fisherman

Peter is the man of the house, although only by default. He is married to Lois, the woman he fell instantly in love with when he first saw her at her Aunt's summer house where he was working as a towel boy.

He is a bit slow at taking in information and often makes rash decissions. If Peter tries to sort out a bad situation, it usually gets worse.

Peter is employed at the Happy-Go-Lucky Toy Factory in Quahog by Mr. Weed. His favorite past-times are drinking beer with his friends at the Drunken Clam, and watching television.
Peter Griffin is great charcter on family who really keeps the show going.
by d'fo April 21, 2004
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