was invented by clock companies to sell more clocks.
Albert: Time was invented by clock companies to sell more clocks.
Timothy: Wise words from a wise man.
by the fresh king of bel air June 26, 2023
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Something that kills you during Quarantine and lasts Forever.
Bill (on a video meeting) : Hey Jeff, how has your quarantine been?
Jeff (on a video meeting) : Sucks, time is slow as shit.
by hevc boro April 24, 2020
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1. (NOUN) Something you're obviously wasting by being on here in the first place ;)
Yo I'm going to spend my time wisely

Sure you are =/
by Jackson B/ February 16, 2017
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I did mean not sharing the paper:) The coincidences I had figured out… or so I thought… I am trying not do dwell as to if they are or aren’t because I can drive myself 😜.

I guess cat could get you a kitty to play with:) volunteering is a great way to get interactions with people in a happy way… just a thought:)

Height… I am pretty darn funny:) 5’8”.

Glad we agree on my stellar smart ass ability:)

It wasn’t the Highway … I had something to say that is why I was there… but once he stopped I couldn’t speak. I think he may possibly be avoiding that road now lol… i guess I can’t blame him… and another time I tried to have him pick me up as though I was a hitchhiker (he didn’t stop :() I guess I can’t blame him. And of course there were more 🫣

It is this love for him… I keep doing crazy shit. My body does these things and afterwards my head is trying to fix what my body did… I haven’t been successful at fixing them or explaining them to him. What would you say, I am in love with you?

now I am trying to stop from doing these things, but when I see him, once again my body moves.
I would like to go back to December of 2022. I didn’t have why’s really back then? Or the day him and I hugged… I could live that day everyday and be incredibly happy 😃

It does help to let it out… the love , the sadness, the anger.. etc. I like going back and reading some of my posts… I can feel the love I have for him and there are definitely a few I grrd at him too…

There are days, I see things that hurt my heart, I try not to focus on them… and remember the love I have for him. I know sounds stupid …

I think of him as a pirate at times… and I am the x. Corny I know… I told you I was quirky to begin with:)

I am not a fan of this game, but what if… ( the what if game)
Today isn’t the day…
But some tomorrow is…
This is why I believe…
Not to mention my heart loves him!!!
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Need to answer a few last things, I keep going back and forth on whether to keep posting but.. I guess I just to have see how I feel. Numbers are practically useless now theyve just lost meaning

That is pretty tall for a girl! The hitchhiker thing confused me for a second, I didn’t recall at first but a very similar thing happened with us.. we hadn’t spoke for a long time and I just thought she was doing it to someone across the road cos it made no sense why it would have been to me.. maybe your one thought something similar? Yet another coincidence

I know what you mean. I’ve done some weird things too. I don’t know what I’d say to be honest.. If I ever actually got that chance.. the kiss would be first.. I imagine one looooong slow kiss.. our foreheads leant together, looking right into her eyes with my hand on her cheek.. and just whispering to her.. I love you.. sharing an amazing smile.. and just telling her again and again..

I wish I knew how to fill that bucket honestly, I don’t know how. Honestly I'm a complete lone wolf and somehow she kept me going but not seein her coupled with everythin else.. I don't know it's just difficult see good in anything. Everything is just a shade of grey

That isn’t corny either.. I love the way you look at love. Its surprisingly similar to me. I’m sure he thinks of you as far more valuable than treasure.. anyone can find treasure
He sees you as completely unique, something that just.. transcends everything else
He knows.. he sees something in you that noone else sees..
That when you look at him.. he's never felt anyone look into him like you do
He doesn't just feel things for you.. he lives them
Breathes them.. you're a part of his very essence
When he closes his eyes and takes a deep.. slow breath.. just a thought of your smile makes his heart flutter as his chest expands.. feeling a spark that sends a shockwave out across his chest as he slowly breathes out.. it's the most INCREDIBLE feeling I've ever known
Just being in your presence makes him feel like a god
Utterly invincible

It is truly.. a once in a lifetime love
A love.. worth the wait

As I’ve said.. I can’t equate her to anything else. She is a goddess to me, above everything..

I just wish.. she was mine
by 4_u September 18, 2023
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At what point does linear time stop?
"At the point where linear time stops; eality becomes nothing more than a recording of all the things that will ever happen." ~ The greatest mind that had ever lived
by Hym Iam April 23, 2022
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Do I have a better use of it? Well, I could be using my fair share of all of the projects I've worked on without my consent to pay my fucking electric bill and I COULD be doing something other than sitting in the dark, waiting for the 3 year old bottle of Wild Turkey to kick in. BUT I don't deserve credit for any of that so I guess I'll just sit here because that is literally my only option for at least 30-45 days.
Hym "And just so you know, I'll be doing this every night. I mean, I'm going to run out of Wild Turkey by the end of the night but after that it'll just be sitting in the dark for half of my waking day and waiting for the phone to ring so I can work a minimum wage job within walking distance where people show up to revel in the fact the they won't let me take credit for the things I've done and that's the only reason I'm in this situation. That's how I'll be spending my time. Useless old sack of shit."
by Hym Iam September 9, 2022
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