To be bitten on the nipple, usually in an erotic way.
Person1: My girlfriend loves to sponaneously bite my nipples during sex.

Person2: Yeah, she definitely does. She also likes being the one licked and nipped--Oh shit!
by tribbledibblebibble(sc3n3) December 9, 2011
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when its cold outside and your nipples start getting hard as fuck
Bro Its So cold Im Nipping
My bitch is nipping
Your mom is nipping my nigga
by YourFather_ December 7, 2015
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nipping is usually used in giving hickies , and / or sexual terms.
as jess typed in the groupchat , pleasing jack , she still can't get over the word nipping , and is literally the most enthusatic person ever about the word nipping.
by thesleepingtrojian September 1, 2018
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when you can see a girls nipples through her shirt!!
hey look you can see her hard nips!!
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A feature of the human body that everyone has.
Look over there, she has got some nips!
So do I!
We all have them!
by Hiitisgod0102030405 November 22, 2019
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derogatory term for a japanese person

derived from the japanese word "nippon"
meaning japanese
because the nips didn't want to stop the war, we bombed those motherfuckers back to the stone age.
by h w e a n n r g y May 7, 2003
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