10 definitions by Hiitisgod0102030405

To have big and blue tits.
To have a big and blue booty.
She has some nice but it is over there!
by Hiitisgod0102030405 November 3, 2019
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A woman who is smexy and lays eggs. Especially scrambled eggs. Aka MADDIE
Woah she gave birth to a scrambled egg.
No way!! She is a smexy Chicken!!
by Hiitisgod0102030405 November 10, 2019
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When someone is obsessing over noodles.
I need noodles!!!

Ur so noodle Dong right now.
by Hiitisgod0102030405 November 7, 2019
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When someone is obsessing over noodles
AHHHHH!!!! I need noodles nowwww!!!
Ur so noodle Dong!
by Hiitisgod0102030405 November 7, 2019
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A feature of the human body that everyone has.
Look over there, she has got some nips!
So do I!
We all have them!
by Hiitisgod0102030405 November 22, 2019
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To have a pair of big and blue tits.
Woah look at her bu tits!
Omg! They look incredible!
by Hiitisgod0102030405 November 4, 2019
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