One (usually young) urban living, spoilt upper class educated gob shite woman who espouses causes for the furtherance of womenhood that most women would not touch with a barge pole and anyway for whom such causes are academic because they don't have the money to take the benefit of them. Usually to be seen in the Parlours of Westminster, Wandsworth, Islington, Camden, Wimbledon etc... If they ever do get involved with the police, it is to shop the sisterhood in to them when they have had enough of them or when they threaten their cosey political or local authority management sinecure or when they wet their knickers at the site of them on any very infrequent occasion they do go on a protest and need assistance in changing them.
Harriett Harman and Patricia Hewitt. Parlour Feminist
by Austin Tasseltine February 7, 2010
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A person who usually sexually inadequate that invades gender equality politics in order to (attempt poorly) get laid. These people kiss the feet of feminists every day with very little reward reciprocated; in fact they are still seen as privileged assholes by feminists.
Dave is a male feminist, he licked my cum out of his gf's pussy in the name of equality.
by nigarkiller123 June 5, 2017
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A man so desperate so to touch the female genitalia that he shows hate towards himself and his own gender.
Man, I really need to get my dick wet but every female despises me . I guess I’ll just become a a male feminist.
by SebCrosswel April 27, 2020
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Someone who claims to be a feminist, yet does nothing to help aid feminism and/or blatantly goes against feminism either by excluding transgender people (see TERF), slut-shaming, victim-blaming, focusing only on white women (see White Feminism), attacking men in the name of feminism (see Misandry), or supporting sexual predators, or silently standing by on crucial social issues and therefore adding to the problem.
Molly is saying that she's a feminist, but she never does anything to help feminism and most of the time I actually see her hurting the cause.
Yeah, I know, she is no better than those who are actively against feminism. Molly is a Faux-Feminist.
by megyn9972 January 15, 2018
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Someone who gets their ass pegged by a woman (mostly a feminist) and moans like a girl.
I am a male feminist, because I like pegging.
by Sissy Boy January 8, 2023
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A person who, despite knowing that:

-women would not be able to vote if it wasn't for feminism
-women would not be able to go to school if it wasn't for feminism
-women would not even be literate if it wasn't for feminism

still rejects feminism altogether, because of some petty thing that a modern feminist said.
Crazy Modern Feminist: "Rawr, I am a feminist! Men are all pigs!"
Anti-feminist: "Wow if that's what feminism is, I am against it."
Me: "Wait, no just because that crazy lady calls herself a feminist, doesn't mean that that is what feminism is! You shouldn't shit on the movement all together, because in reality feminism is much more chill and rational. If it wasn't for feminism me and your mom and your future daughters wouldn't even be able to go to college. I really hope you read some history books and reconsider for the sake of humanity."
by TeaPlease December 27, 2017
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A person who can be often noticed to be upholding topics of severe importance, mostly related to women on the internet, for the very purpose of getting some pussy (sometimes a random hole is sufficient). They can be spotted using the word 'friendzoned' very casually when asked about a girl they were rumored to be crushing on. They are also seen to be contradicting their own words because of extreme abuse of opinions gathered through interaction with people who suffer from stage sixty nine cancer, which in turn affect their ideologies.
A : I was wondering if being a feminist causes cancer?
B : Are you kidding me? It's one of the best things to exist in this world.
Also dude, they have a really cool name for it, "Male Feminist"!
Ain't that so fucking cool?
I told that SJW chick I have been crushing on that I am a Male Feminist and you know what she did bro?
She invited me to her house party and let me guard her door while she was getting drilled by four other boys oh my god dude it was so cool.
A : But she calls you bro.
B : Doesn't matter, I'll be here boyfriend someday.
by I'm an adult virgin September 11, 2018
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