Guy gets on top of his partner in the missionary position, but then slides his entire sweaty body across her face, pissing as his junk crosses, wiggling his junk back and forth to simulate an automatic carwash. Finish with a giant fart as the asshole crosses for a blown dry spot-free finish!

(Variation: Reverse Montana Carwash: You get the idea.)
Donald Trump's hair gives the most interesting sensation during a Montana Carwash!
by DonaldTrumpsMerken December 22, 2015
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What is Hannah Montana?

Answ: WHO, WHO, is Hannah Montana?
by Claaarkk November 23, 2021
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that show lady. who sings. yeah her. that was a kool show u know. okie bye.
rat: fuck you

rennie: Hannah Montana


rennie: big time rush
by solmh August 15, 2018
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n. — Female vocalist who gets into showbiz at a young age solely through the influence of her famous showbiz father; hits puberty and breaks into an Alto range and starts hanging out with the "wrong crowd" in Hollywood while continuing to desperately chase musical stardom; likely dies of an overdose by age 33 leaving broken dreams, musical irrelevance, and an episode of True Hollywood Stories
Aww, why y'all gotta be hating on that po Hannah Montana? Y'all just jealous cause y'all ain't got no talent neither but she rich and famous. Don't hate the playa hate the game!
by 22threeazy April 5, 2019
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