Trafficker. As in "Drug trafficker " or "Drug trafficant".
The drug trafficants always seem to find sneaky new ways to smuggle in their contraband.
by Naldo P. April 3, 2016
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A sandwich that you’d pack for long drives or road-trips that usually have an ungodly amount of traffic. Best situation for sandwiches, y’know?
*In a car, probably in traffic.*
Mom: “Do you want a traffic sandwich?”

Me: “..What?”
Mom:”You know, a sandwich that you’d eat during traffic.”
by sarvy June 30, 2023
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Traffic caused by students and faculty alike while transitioning from one class to another.
Dude, that teacher nearly ran straight into me during that post-class hallway traffic.
by Huntsvegas February 9, 2022
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Stfu im on a trafficful road right now mum
by 6 inches April 21, 2022
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Tra-Ffic Bad-die

Variants: Traffic Baddy

plural Traffic Baddies


1. You’re super comfy being as confident as possible, even when you know you’re straight wrong #DieOnThisHill

2. You mean what you say - Even though you have to do it through a fake account, you mean it. #ISaidIt

3. You empower others to be upset that you are upset about being stopped for breaking traffic law #HearMeOutFriends
Mya being a Traffic Baddie again, she doesn’t believe in any laws but the constitution. #MyEmployees

Jeff just got upset that the police stopped another reckless drunk driver so he’s making vague threats in Facebook Messenger, he’s such a TB. #IHopeYou…
by CCSDPDTraffic July 24, 2023
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Twitter Traffic is when someone tweets something controversial to bait people into reacting and arguing in the replies.
Ariel is such a weasel tweeted that foolishness for a little Twitter Traffic
by Miss Zaynoo October 19, 2021
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