Refers to where you behave responsibly during all of the progression through the various stages of intimacy, taking appropriate measures to protect both of you against undesirable things like infection or "accidental" pregnancy.
The best ways to "cover all the bases" with a new romantic partner are:
First base (i.e., hugging, holding hands, foot/back-rubs, etc.): Taking deeply-cleansing showers beforehand, brushing teeth, trimming hair and nails, etc.
Second base (i.e., kissing, close snuggling, sharing non-intimate full-body massages while wearing just a bathing suit or undies, etc.): Taking all steps described in "first base", plus using breath-fresheners, antiperspirants, soothing and/or aromatic oils, etc.
Third base (i.e., French kissing, naked cuddling, intimate massages, sleeping together, etc.): Taking all steps described in "first base" and "second base", plus having easy access to a warm/cold shower at all times, keeping the bedroom a comfy temperature, etc.
Fourth base (i.e., handjobs/blowjobs, "going all the way", etc.): Taking all steps described in first three "bases", plus having plenty of condoms and/or personal lubricant handy, keeping tissues and damp wash-cloths within easy reach to clean up "messy" aftermaths, having changes of sheets and pillowcases to put on the bed if necessary, etc.
by QuacksO November 6, 2021
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The Anthem of the Galactic Republic. One of the best fucking star wars songs out there.
Galactic Republic,
Star Systems United.
Under our flags,
All Stars Burn As One.
We will fight to protect,
Always will protect,
The laws of our democracy.
We will not be ruled by thy,
Who seek to destroy,
Who seek to destroy,
Who seek to destroy,
Our lordly democracy!
Ruled o'er by the people!
Voices that will always,
That'll always be heard!
Galactic Republic,
Star Systems United.
Under our flag,
All Stars Burn As One.
For Eternity!
by CC-8826 July 14, 2023
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A solution to all your problems
P1: This math problem is hard
P2: Just kill all and leave
by Faiahball October 14, 2022
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When a man is doing an Upper Decker, The woman is doing an AC Slater, at the same time she is giving him a Blumpkin!
I walked in and saw my roommate and girlfriend doing a "3 for All". Has to say I was impressed!
by Abombz November 5, 2015
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A video in which entails a man who drenches his friend, who is simply attempting to exit the facility, in mustard, much to the leaving man's surprise.
Friend: Wassup?
Me: mustard all over his leaving friend.
Friend: No.
by alecwind July 19, 2021
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Someone who is proficient in multiple skills. The Female version of “jack of of all trades
Also referred to as “Naestro”
You should visit the Mary to get that tire fixed, she’s a Nae of all trades!
by MRE16 September 13, 2023
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There are two types of All Engines Go songs, here they are.

You might find yourself singing this song when you're on a roleplay game.
"Here comes Thomas I'm the number one engine woah All Engines Go look there's Percy we're best friends as Kana zooms around the bend I need my speed and I'm ready to glow All Engines Go hey there's Nia I'm rocking out don't forget me Thomas and Diesel gets a shout meet our fix-it crew Carly and Sandy you can count on us we're super handy down the hills and round the woah All Engines Go!"

You might find yourself singing this song when you want to watch something.
"If there's a screen that needs a show I'm the one you need to know I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go! If your eyes need satisfaction I can say the word I bet I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go! I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go I'm All Engines Go!!!
"I'm gonna sing the All Engines Go song in BFB 3D Roleplay."

"I sure need something to watch, lemme sing the All Engines Go song."
by MrPreston26 June 21, 2022
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