1. One who studies you, to learn how to deceive you. To set you up or to misuse you.

2. One that takes form of a Leprechaun spirit. One who has a sneaky spirit. One who plots and plans out schemes.

3. One who betrays to care for you or love you only to trick you out of what you have.

4. A wolf in sheep's clothing.

5. One that feel the world owes onesself something.
I discern a Leprechaun spirit on him.

His character reminds me of a Leprechaun.

His ways remind me of a Leprechaun.
by Angiebaby5820 September 22, 2017
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Horrible 16 foot tall horned beast that eat the flesh of the living and the spirits of the dead, and corn chips.
Gee mommy may I have toaster.
by Cheesehead October 24, 2003
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One who lacks melanin and height.
Yo, did you see isobel she's takes after her grandma she has PMLE and is petite.Leprechaun 's always come funsize.
by White Beyonce September 28, 2021
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sdfkljhdrgkljerlkj im gay
You'd better not come to Dublin wit dat attitude, bitches! I'm 7'4 and A HALF! And I weigh 200 pounds! I'm fuckiong terrifying! I rape you good!
by womoma April 25, 2005
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VERB. a magical action. to make shit appear. to make shit disappear. if its magical, you can leprechaun it.
"she fucking leprechauned that ice cream out of thin air!"
"Will you please leprechaun me a new vibrator?"
"The magician leprechauned the bunny out of his hat"
by hornpugue July 16, 2006
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annoying little irish midgets that wear green
dumb leprechaun, i'll kill you and take your treasure
by Zach May 29, 2003
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Small folk, often somehow tangentially related to Ireland. Typically under 5'3".
Small asian girls named Rosie are often leprechauns.
by The Leprechaun Authority November 26, 2004
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