The only part of the United States that really matters. The East Coast, Maine through Virginia, is home to America's largest city and the global financial capital...New York, or "the city" since all the rest pale in comparison. The East is home to other important cities such as Washington DC (wait, isn't that the capital?), Boston (wait, isn't that our smartest city?), and Philadelphia (wait, isn't where America was born?). The East Coast has the country's finest resort areas at its various islands and shores (Maine, the Cape, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Long Island, the Jersey Shore, and Delaware Coast) and mountain areas (Poconos, Berkshires, Catskills). The East Coast also has the best food (everyone else THINKS they know pizza, subs, and bagels). The East is home to our best colleges (ever realize all of the Ivy League schools are in the East?), public transportation that makes the rest of the country look like sub-Saharan Africa and, we have class. Apparently the rest of the country forgot what it meant to get dressed it isn't your "nice" jeans. We still know that you are supposed to wear belts AT ALL TIMES, not supposed to show underwear and when someone is talking to you..keep eye contact.
Sure East Coast people are skimpy on the "politeness" but at least we are honest. We won't smile and laugh just to be agreeable...we will form our own opinions and make them known. In sum, remember, it is called the Eastern Standard for a reason.
West Coast person: The East is cold, smelly, and everyone is mean.

East Coast person: F*ck you. Try to get an education in Oregon or Nevada or California or wherever you are from and then come talk to me. Oh yeah.....your food is nasty, Hollister is nasty and try to remember the pants next time you are supposed to dress up. What's with your obsession with blue jeans and flip flops (with socks by the way)? Ever heard of shoes? Oh, they are called sneakers in case you were wondering, unless you are planning to play tennis.
by NJShore kid November 16, 2010
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I don't even have to explain the places. In the east coast, Gangstas shed blood EVERY DAY. Its a tough life. In the west coast, Rappers talk about all the women, money and Gunz they don't have. It's just LYIN'. Old school hip hop from east was original. Then in the later 90s, the west coast took a stand against the east coast. It what they did was successful. But what they did was throw crap out of their mouths.At that time, there were still east coast rappers. It was like a new genre. Then came the 2000s. The east coast became familiar with this type of music. They are the same as the west coast now with one difference: What they say is real. Now, throw all the hatin' at me but remember I am telling you the sad truth.
East coast is the home to Hip Hop/rap legends and great rappers such as, Jay-Z, Slick Rick, Kool G Rap, Public enemy, Wu tang clan, Big daddy kane, Mobb Deep, Tribe called quest, Gangstarr, Nas(Underground), Rakim, Run-Dmc, Raekwon, and so much more. Also good djs and comedians are here.(5th platoon and Dave Chappelle.
West Coast is the home of the Fag Phone Symbol.
by The Real G June 25, 2006
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to make a quick left turn in front of the opposing driver when the light turns green.
Why'd that jackass have to east coast me? I had to slam on my brakes to keep from hitting him. Why the fuck don't they have left turn arrows on this coast?
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The smartest side of America, containing ALL of the Ivy league schools, home of the REAL gangstas, so west coasters back the fuck off. Also, we don't mind the occasional 'fuck you', because we aren't pussies and take it lightly. We don't GIVE A DAMN whether or not you're super tan or are an anorexic whore. East coasters are cold and unforgiving, but wait-aren't gangsters? East coasters often walk faster than west coasters. Try putting a WC in front of the EC, and they'll get their genitals torn out.
A West Coaster will stab you in the back.
An East Coaster will punch you in the face.
by east-coast-go-RAWR! February 28, 2011
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The side of the country with much better dope, where the majority of males in the country are not gay, where people actually know what a dutch is, where nobody is a wannabe surfer poser that listens to Green Day and cries because he's pussywhipped and just got dumped like a little bitch, and where if you roll up like a bitch from Malibu or some other gay ass California city that claims to be hood your bound to get smacked and left dead in the hudson with concrete stuck on your ankles.
West Coast: What is this?
East Coast: "Bitch Smack" its a blunt bitch, give me all your weed before I kick your ass punk.
West Coast: Mommy, my gay little poser tattoos aren't scaring this guy.
by Rick E. Ricardo June 18, 2009
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In reference to the Eastern 16 or so states in the United States.

The following are definitely in this group: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, {Washington D.C}, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida.

The New England states (ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI) are well known for having fairly high population densities (on average), their lobster, and the lovely season of Autumn.

The Tri-States (PA, NY, NJ) basically aren't really the same at all. PA has a low PD and is known for their redneckedness sometimes. However they have a ton of American history there. NY is known for the one city in the most southern point of the state, New York. New Jersey has the highest PD and is made fun of for being a place you don't really want to grow up in, but probably had to if you did.

The Capital Area (MD, DE, Wash.D.C) are well known for either being the capital or being close to it.

The Southern States (VA, NC, SC, GA, FL) are also more often than not made fun of their redneckedness (minus FL, they are borderling Cajun there). Moonshine, Peaches, and Disney World provide the structure for the economy over yonder.
Person: So where do you live?
Other Person: I live on the East-Coast.
Person: oh.
by Popemeisterjosh September 20, 2008
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When a man walks up to his best friend and punches his buddy hard enough to cause him to fall on his back and be in a dazed state (but not unconscious). While he is dazed you proceed to strip his pants and hand-jerk him off.
So the other day I was east coasting Travis, totally caught him by surprise.
by Jeremy the Jew July 27, 2008
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