After smoking cannabis/weed your mind starts to wander off into a deep state of thought a seemingly alternate fixation of reality.
Man that girl is so dazed she's been smoking it all day!
by blacksheepwall October 19, 2020
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When someone is ignorant or not aware of something that they ought to know.
Just because a woman is fat does not make her booty attractive bro, you're dazed. Tbh I've seen some pretty fat ass chicks with some flat ass cheeks you nam sayin' !
by thEbX41 November 1, 2012
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Dazed - American CS:GO player who got banned for throwing games that resides in and directs rage, anger and hate towards players he considers "bad" compared to him. Known for using "gay", "emo" and other slurs that faggots like him use when angry.
Dazed- "FUCKING GLOCKS MAN!" (anger)
Dazed- "What more can I do?!?" (anger)
Dazed- "THAT'S SO FUCKING EMO DUDE!" (anger)
Dazed- "THAT'S SO GAY, SERIOUSLY!" (homophobic anger)
by kyr_alex February 3, 2016
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when a female you just met, leaves your message on seen or delivered.
mark: so did you text her yet ?

marcus: yeah but she dazed me bro .
by swagbb October 3, 2018
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Adjective. A portmanteau of "dazzling" and "amazing", meaning "more amazing than amazing", or "dazzlingly amazing".
That girl I saw at the nightclub, she was totally dazing.
by Ensign64 September 18, 2018
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blurry; a lost state of mind that might eventually go away. Sometimes considered enjoyable and makes time pass quickly. Not a care in the world
I have been stuck in a daze all week with people asking me questions and me not caring anymore about anything
by Brian,Kara April 10, 2004
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