A term used in baseball when a pitcher throws either a very slow pitch or a pitch that is very easy to hit.
"Oh, we're gonna' rip this pitchers tits. He throws meatballs."
by Beastmode02 June 25, 2009
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a miserable, short italian kid who always thinks hes right
"you guys are stupid, i watch CNN. im obviously not a meatball"
by the ultimate secret January 19, 2007
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The act of sucking chunky menstruation out of a girl's vagina during her period.
Guy 1 : "I went meatballing last night"
Guy 2 : "How did that work out for you?"
Guy 3 : "I got lots of extra protein and iron"
by Lucavi A. D. February 19, 2009
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Nice guy who thinks with his head not his brain and works out a lot.
Meatball= Mike A. Domanski Jr.
by Nailing Him August 10, 2009
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Used as a verb:
- To meatball, Meatballing
(1) To gain a large amount of weight and obtain obesity in a short amount of time due to intaking incredible amounts of food.
(2) The act of an obese individual rolling towards and over an innocent person.
- To be meatballed
(3) To be rolled over, bumped, squished, crushed, etc. by an obese person.

Used as a noun:
- Meatball
(4) A lump of meat, commonly found in spaghetti.
(5) An obese person, commonly refers to iHeretic.
- Meatballer (n):
(6) One who partakes in the act of meatballing (see definition 2)
- "Daniel, stop eating, if you don't you'll end up meatballing!"

- "Poor Billy got meatballed the other day, he nearly suffocated!"

- "After seeing a meatballer not too long ago I haven't been able to eat or look at spaghetti and meatballs.
by lolololololololwtf March 23, 2008
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A short fat tan girl. Or someone who's acting like a retard.
Boy: Hey look at her she's pretty hot.

Boy 2: Ewww Dude she's a total meatball.
by thegirlsaid March 30, 2011
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When your crush essentially tells you that she wants to ask a guy out and gets advice from you. The person usually doesn't have Ill intent, but still shatters your heart.
"I heard that Carla meatballed you and that she likes Alan. Sorry bro"
by Jabroody August 7, 2019
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