works out

Problems or difficult situations that someone is able to find a solution or answer for.
by srpotterman January 16, 2016
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work out

1. to exercise, especially in a strenuous way

2. a session of exercise

3. for something to end in success
I need to work out today.
by The return of light Joker October 19, 2007
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working out

the act of lifting metal to damage your muscles so they will grow in bigger size so ladies can eat them.
im going to go work out to get BEEEEEEEEEEEEEG and make KEEEEEEEEEEDS
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working out

before he scored on his date he told her he was going to be "working out" first
by Villamondo March 26, 2017
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work out

An alibi for vigorous masturbation. Normally used by avid gamers.
Person 1: Guys, I gotta go work out then we will play a game of League.

Person 2: Right...
by The Big NuFF August 13, 2011
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work out

Guy 1: Man, I've had to work out twice already today and I feel another one coming on.

Guy 2: Damn bro, dat shit cray... What did you eat?

Guy 1: They had all you can eat hot wings at the bar yesterday. I couldn't help myself.

Girl 1: You guys are gross.
by Ball so hard March 13, 2012
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work out

for both people to not quite be sure why they're in the relationship but be too confused to end it and both be wanting different things that neither of them are getting
did their relationship work out?

well if by work out you mean they are too confused about why they are together to break up, then yes.
by leland the criminal rainbow February 27, 2011
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