
A process which happens every month to females and involves discharging the blood and other substances lining the womb, through the vagina. Lasts for 5 - 7 days. Can lead to uncomfortable situations if it begins in a public place, such as school and there's no tampons or pads on hand.

A common misconception regarding menstruation is that all females become moody and psycho during that time of the month. This is untrue. Not everyone suffers from PMS. It is also something that is not to be taken lightly if one DOES suffer from overbearing PMS.

Other things that can occur druing menstruation:
- cramps (abdominal pain)
- tender/sore breasts

Menstruation occurs throughout the majority of a female's lifetime, starting at puberty and ends with the onset of menopause.
When a female begins menstruating, it is cause for either celebration or lamentation.

Hey Chelsea! Guess what? My first menstruation cycle began last night!
by Zio November 17, 2006
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menstruation - no time for sex
by Dov.R.M. September 28, 2007
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A process which happens every month to females and involves discharging the blood and other substances lining the womb, through the vagina. Lasts for 5 - 7 days. Can lead to uncomfortable situations if it begins in a public place, such as school and there's no tampons or pads on hand.

A common misconception regarding menstruation is that all females become moody and psycho during that time of the month. This is untrue. Not everyone suffers from PMS. It is also something that is not to be taken lightly if one DOES suffer from overbearing PMS.

Other things that can occur druing menstruation:
- cramps (abdominal pain)
- tender/sore breasts

Menstruation occurs throughout the majority of a female's lifetime, starting at puberty and ends with the onset of menopause.
When a female begins menstruating, it is cause for either celebration or lamentation.

Hey Chelsea! Guess what? My first menstruation cycle began last night!
by Zio November 16, 2006
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When a woman mentruates. A combination of two words, men and frustration.
Uh-oh she is going to be going through her menstruation cycle which means frustration for us guys
by IPwnJ00 mama May 15, 2007
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A vile beast that takes over ones girlfriend, turning her into a freakish werewolf that will howl at you annoyingly no matter what you say, and be a rotten bitch to boot
yeah the menstruation monster strikes again, poor bastard didn't see it coming. I'll miss him
by Jag atamis April 28, 2008
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guy: what’s menstruation like?

gurl: well, you know Gordon Ramsay?

guy: uhhh yea...

gurl: yep that’s how it be.
by gwn.y May 2, 2019
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When a woman bleeds from her vagina for 4 - 7 days and is usually pretty irritable because she has to either shove a stick up there or wear a mattress between her legs until she is DONE menstruating- also she has a bunch of extra hormones so BACK OFF.
- I've noticed that Natalie has been being a real bitch lately.
-> Man, she's just menstruating.
by MeMeMei November 28, 2008
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