The iPhone, while being a relatively good phone is a piece of crap. It is behind the technology curve, although being new.

Apple claims the iPhone retina display is "new," although devices like the Nexus One and Nokia N900 have had displays like that for years.

People also call it a smartphone, although it runs a feature phone OS. In fact, the only reason the iPhone did well at all was because Apple made it, thus hundreds if not thousands of developers made mostly useless apps.

Other phone that have had apps include...well, pretty much every phone ever made...ever. A real smartphone would run Android, Windows Mobile, Linux, or Palm OS.

The front camera on the iPhone 4 is nothing new either. Nokia has been making phones with front cameras for at least 5 years, if not more.
Dude, I got an iPhone!

Dude, I got an N900, I can run firefox, run a full desktop operating system, I have a faster CPU, and a sliding keyboard. Oh look, a webcam and skype!
by I can afford an iphone. July 3, 2010
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An iPhone is an overpriced line of smartphones released by Apple annually for the casual market. Usually behind the competition and is labelled as"premium", just for the price. Also is considered "innovative" by Apple and it's legion of amatures, contrary to reality.
Casual: Hey, got the latest iPhone 467s Plus Air!
Sane person: Why? Could have got an Android smartphone with better specs for a fraction of that price...
Casual: But, but, your jealous!!!! It's innovative and you hate cuz you can't afford one!!
Sane person: Whatever, just saying. No need to justify the fact you got ripped off.
by NoFilterDictionary November 26, 2015
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A brick with a touch screen that claims it's a phone even though we all know everyone uses it for anything but calling people,
includes braindead games, listening to music, watching youtube videos, and taking pictures, because that's what phones were made
iPhone Fanboy: LOLz OMGsh did u see the new iPhone? i got it and i play all da gamesh all day!
Normal Guy: ...You realize that anything you can do on the iPhone you can do on other devices like a computer or camera?
iPhone Fanboy: ur jusht jealous cuz u dont have 1!
by OhGodWhyAmIEvenHere July 24, 2013
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An pathetically overpriced smartphone made with backdated, non standard and cheap material. Softwares are also utterly garbage. Only Steve Jobs simps buy this pile of shit.
Android user: Why the fuck you use iPhone? Stop using it.
iPhone user: but Steve Jobs...
Android user: U gay
by flip_master_harambe May 9, 2021
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What you are laying your eyes on when driving, or otherwise when walking, eating, working or simply being alive.
Jason: What are you looking at?
John: An iPhone.
Jason: Ah, you mean life.
by IDGAFox February 27, 2019
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A newly introduced product that ends up bearing the status of a 'very popular, everyone must have' product.

Becoming the new iPhone.
-We have to keep his second product from iPhoning... He now owns his own cult of zombies because his first product iPhoned to unmaintainable proportions.
by doctah bryan September 28, 2010
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The latest shitty fad.
Those people who say we call it a piece of overrated shit because we can't afford it, are beyond wrong.
Of course we can fucking afford it, it's just 600$, but we don't see the need to buy it.
Brat: OMFG I got teh iphonezzz!
Regular guy: *sigh* you bought that pos too?
Brat: OMG SHUT teh HELL UPPP! appLE makes GREIT PRODukts.
Regular guy: How can you live with yourself? I mean, you bought a phone for 600$, what a waste
Brat: chepskaet!!1
Regular guy:*grabs iPhone and throws it away*

Honestly, kids these days think that any product Apple makes with a lowercase "i" in the beginning of it's name, is super awesome and is a must have. (see iPod)
by Common sense FTW September 23, 2008
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