11 definitions by flip_master_harambe


A computer virus made for linux kernel by Google to steal your data.
iOS users: Why don't you get an iPhone?
Android users: Android might be a pile of shit, but it's a better pile of shit.
by flip_master_harambe May 9, 2021
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Contraction of "which will".

(Yes it is a real word. Simply 'cause people use it. Unfortunately for y'all, your fourth grade grammar teacher doesn't get to choose what's right English or whats wrong English. Infact there's nothing such as wrong English. Ask a linguistist, the'll say all language and it's variations are equally correct and valid. No cap.)
Don't be a fucking prescriptivist. Linguists are all descriptivist. Be like that. Which'll help you as well.
by flip_master_harambe January 3, 2023
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People who scream pathetically at a computer all day long for their own mistakes and still somehow gets paid.
Someone: Are you a Programmer?
Me: Yes.
Someone: Prove it then.
Me: CTRL + C, CTRL + V.
by flip_master_harambe May 9, 2021
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"Hey dave, have you heard that Windows 11 is adding ads on the start menu?"
"Fucking Winshit"
by flip_master_harambe June 2, 2024
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An pathetically overpriced smartphone made with backdated, non standard and cheap material. Softwares are also utterly garbage. Only Steve Jobs simps buy this pile of shit.
Android user: Why the fuck you use iPhone? Stop using it.
iPhone user: but Steve Jobs...
Android user: U gay
by flip_master_harambe May 9, 2021
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I'd rather flip bits one by one with my bare hands hands than coding in C++. At least I won't lose my sanity.
by flip_master_harambe April 15, 2022
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