Wow - did you see that levitating elephant. Fuck a duck!
by ScottyD99999 August 15, 2008
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An expletive
A phrase expressing panic or anger

It refers to a song to the tune of "row your boat"

Fuck fuck fuck a duck
Screw a kangaroo
Fingerbang an orangutan
And hump a rhino to
1) Fuck a duck! I am so late for class because of that traffic on the freeway!
by surely April 13, 2005
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fuck fuck fuck a duck
screw a kangaroo
finger bang an ourangoutang orgie at the zoo
whack whack whack a yak
give it to an eew
69 a porcupine ill bet hell like it too
c above
by bob May 12, 2003
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A "fuck-and-duck" is when person "A" has sex with person "B", then avoids any and all contact with person "B". This may be to ensure that a sexual encounter becomes a one-night stand. It is also a means of breaking up with a person.
After the sixth unreturned phone call, Sharon began to suspect she was the victim of a fuck-and-duck.
by Moontos December 29, 2006
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Childhood curse verse, circa 1968
Fuck a duck,
Screw a pigeon,
Go to Hell
And get religion.
by Marty Agee June 30, 2006
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An alternative to "Well I'll be!"
"What? You were involved in a foursome? Well fuck a duck!"
by MadDog July 4, 2003
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a song to "row row row ur boat"
fuck, fuck, fuck a duck,
screw a kangaroo,
69 a porcupine,
and *rgy at the zoo!!!
by Anonymous March 13, 2003
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