3 definitions by surely

fuck a duck

An expletive
A phrase expressing panic or anger

It refers to a song to the tune of "row your boat"

Fuck fuck fuck a duck
Screw a kangaroo
Fingerbang an orangutan
And hump a rhino to
1) Fuck a duck! I am so late for class because of that traffic on the freeway!
by surely April 13, 2005
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the great unwashed

People who like to go camping and not shower so they can be "one with nature". People who wear birkenstocks.

The great unwashed must be distinguished from homeless people...the gw have homes and often have money, they're just dirty.
Yuck, one of the great unwashed is camping down by the river again! I can smell him from here.
by surely February 9, 2005
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The ugliest shoes ever. Often worn by the great unwashed, college students, and people with ugly feet.
Ew, look at that chick's skanky feet in those birkenstocks! She needs to put on some nail polish and real shoes!
by surely February 9, 2005
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