blackout season is where athletes choose to wear all black and go demon mode
''remember Johnny''
''he was so cool''
''remember when he went into blackout season and got 20 offers''
by hesthakid May 7, 2023
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A state of blackout experienced when ones sober brain can't handle their level of badassness
I got so blackout sober last night, don't remember a thing
by Tunaslinger August 1, 2015
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When a person is always inebriated and, once sober, cannot recall any experiences that they have had; unless they are high/drunk in any way.
Danny knew he was screwed for his test, because all of finals week he had been smoking PCP while he studied, and now he was Blackout Sober and can't remember what to wright on the test.
by can find a name.nothingworks September 28, 2017
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When a girl is on her period and blacks out with with rage due to cramps and hormones. Period blackouts occasionally result in shame hangovers the following day
My girlfriend had a period blackout last night and punched me in the face.
by Sht99ht February 28, 2014
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When you get so drunk, all mentions of what happened the night before are sworn secrets to all parties involved.
Dude You puked all over yourself last night! Me: What happens in Blackout Vegas stays in Blackout Vegas
by SHUshut May 6, 2018
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When a man enters his penis into a womans vagina before proceding to have intercorse in the butt while the female feriocsly shits down the mans penis before its insertied back into the womans mouth where she licks it clean and the procces starts again until orgasium
-Hey man you see that new trend
-what trend
-the african blackout
-ill look it
by jihfuiqhfuihrewf April 21, 2022
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Suddenly not being able to remember what you purchased, even though it was the most amazing find at the time.
I had a fashion blackout the other day - I know I bought a pair of sandals, and a belt, and I know there was something else but I can't remember what!
by FashionShopper March 31, 2009
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