by Surgeron July 12, 2019
by Furiousteddybear May 30, 2020
Refers specifically to the very real victims that died from vaccination. This word specifically does not refer to the generally vax injured or people that experienced safe and effective results.
by DripHarold January 2, 2023
"You see that fat thing there?"
"The one that looks like a complete weirdo?"
"That's Suddenly Whale."
"The one that looks like a complete weirdo?"
"That's Suddenly Whale."
by La Yaoi Addict July 27, 2019
"I was really drunk at this club, and some guy led me to the bathroom. Next thing I know I was suddenly sodomized!"
"It's not rape, it's suddenly sodomy!"
"It's not rape, it's suddenly sodomy!"
by OogaBooga April 1, 2005
A musical number in "Portal 2: The (Unauthorized) Musical", sung by Chell and Wheatley.
It's a parody of the song "Suddenly, Seymour" from Little Shop of Horrors
It's a parody of the song "Suddenly, Seymour" from Little Shop of Horrors
Suddenly Wheatley isn't very well accepted by the Portal 2 fandom, since Chell's supposed to be canonically mute and therefore, incapable of singing
by The biggest trash can you know April 5, 2018
by dreahmr February 18, 2018